Rab se bhi zyada tu lage hai Zindagi hai zaroori hai zaroori.Ranbir Kapoor has turned poet for his friend filmmaker Anurag Basu’s assistant, Sunil Subrimani’s directorial debut Fuddu. The romantic song, featuring Sharman Joshi and Sunny Leone, with RK reciting a shayari in it is out. The teaser video of the song is out and Sharman and Sunny are in much love going by the video.We see Sunny and Sharman romancing each other and singing the romantic number. They have sizzling chemistry and are looking too good together. We see them come close to lock lips but they do not.
Sub :
#SunnyLeoneHot #HotScene #SharmanJoshi # FudduMovieSong #TuZarooriHai