Bhaag Johnny | Kunal Khemu And Mandana Karimi Hot Scene – Actor Kunal Khemu recently released the trailer of his upcoming action-thriller ‘Bhaag Johnny’. Directed by Shivam Nair, the story of the film seems interesting and the concept seems a stark contrast from the usual Bollywood potboilers. The trailer is quite hot and sexy with loads of skin show and bold sequences.Kunal Khemu starrer has it all item-numbers, steamy scenes like any other Bollywood masala adding the extra doze of thrill to the story.Kunal in the movie is playing the role of a Casanova and he is seen showing his lover boy image in the trailer quite a bit.He is seen getting hot and heavy with the new actress Mandana Karimi.
#BhaagJohnny #MandanaKarimiHot #HotScene #KunalKhemu