One missed plane. One company credit card pumped to the max. One look of fear, and a litre carton of Shake Shake for breakfast. Its all downhill from here.
Year: 2009
Around The World In 80 Beers: Africa Part 1
Arriving in the armpit of Africa, FHMs man makes like David Attenbrough and drops in on a local tribe, only to find himself dodging kidney failure as he knocks back witches brew from an empty bleach bottle
Around The World In 80 Beers: Africa Part 6
Its the last leg of our mans African adventure, and the availability of booze in this predominantly muslim land is fast drying up. Undaunted, FHMs booze-hound is not to be outdone.
Around The World In 80 Beers: Africa Part 2
With strong local ales affecting his judgement, Chris Bell bribes the Kenyan plod, who help set up a swift half Continue reading “Around The World In 80 Beers: Africa Part 2”
Around The World In 80 Beers: Africa Part 2
With strong local ales affecting his judgement, Chris Bell bribes the Kenyan plod, who help set up a swift half with the fastest killer on earth. Yes, thats right a cheetah
High Street Honeys 2004 – Ellie Dible
Elle has a piece of advice for all us men out there “There’s nothing wrong with going commando.” Advice taken, Continue reading “High Street Honeys 2004 – Ellie Dible”
High Street Honeys 2004 – Gemma Mackay
“I’m always running around the house in my thong or in the nude.” Gemma isn’t bashful. But you probably guessed Continue reading “High Street Honeys 2004 – Gemma Mackay”
High Street Honeys 2004 – Kat Williams
Kat is a French student, which means she occasionally speaks sweet nothings in Francais. This is hot. That’s all that Continue reading “High Street Honeys 2004 – Kat Williams”
High Street Honeys 2004 – Ellie Dible
Elle has a piece of advice for all us men out there “There’s nothing wrong with going commando.” Advice taken, and carried out. Mmmm… freedom.
High Street Honeys 2004 – Kellie Acreman
Kellie’s mum took the shots that helped her get into FHM’s hallowed pages – that’s one cool mum. “It was Continue reading “High Street Honeys 2004 – Kellie Acreman”